Install VNC Server on Windows Machine
Download TightVNC which is free VNC server that support Windows 11 and then install TightVNC on Windows machine.
TightVNC Configuration on Windows Machine
- Click on Register TightVNC Service
Click on TightVNC Service - Offline Configuration
From tab Server
- Check Require VNC Authentication and set password
- Uncheck Enable file transfers
- Uncheck Hide desktop wallpaper
- Uncheck Serve Java Viewer to Web clients
From tab Access Control
- Check Allow loopback connections
- Check Allow only loopback connections
From tab Administration
- Check Protect control operations with a password
- Save the confguration
From tab Server
- Click on Start TightVNC Service
Configure OpenSSH Server
Install OpenSSH server following these instructions and configure sshd with these instructions e.g. set port to 2222.
Key Based Authentication
Execute following command in remote machine and copy the content of
to the
of Windows machine. If you face
permission issue try this
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Port Forward for SSH Server
Follow these instructions to expose port 2222 to the Internet.
Connect from Remote Machine
TightVNC Java Viewer, unzip and open jar. Execute SSH
port forwarding to TightVNC
ssh -N -L 5900:localhost:5900 <your Windows user
name>@<your public domain name> -p <SSH port>
. Introduce localhost
Remote Host text box, 5900
Port text box of
TightVNC Java Viewer and click Connect, introduce
access password, got it!