How to Create a Windows 7 Vagrant Base Box?


Since Vagrant 1.6 release, Vagrant add support for Windows VMs. We will go through the steps to follow to create a Windows 7 Vagrant base box.


Create New Virtual Machine

Start VirtualBox and create a new Windows 7 virtual machine. Name it whatever you like, though keep it simple as we will override this name later in Vagrantfile. We will follow most of the advice given in the Vagrant documentation regarding base boxes.

The idea behind these choices is to create your base box as light on resources as possible with as much room as possible for later customization. When creating a new machine in VirtualBox in the wizard a lot of options are auto-configured, so we may need to edit the machine after it is created, going into Settings, to change some options.

You can follow the New Virtual Machine Wizard with Custom (advanced) configuration to create the Windows 7 virtual machine. Select similar options as VirtualBox, although some options might be different.

Users of your base box can always modify these options in their Vagrantfile, using the VirtualBox specific configuration or VMWare specific configuration.

Install Windows 7

You should have your Windows 10 ISO ready at hand, then configure the ISO file to boot from in VirtualBox, skip prompts to enter a license key and this can always be entered later through Control Panel or command line, after this, installation is straight forward.

Towards the end of the installation you will be prompted to sign in your Microsoft account, again skip this. You want to create a local admin account on your clean install named vagrant with password also vagrant. This is required if you want Vagrant to automatically connect to and provision machines on your base box.

Let the Windows setup complete, you will be presented with a login prompt for your user vagrant. Go ahead and login to the Windows 10 desktop. When connecting to the network windows will ask you if the network you are connected to is public or private. Choose private, otherwise you will get issues with WinRM in the next step.

Prepare Windows For Vagrant

winrm quickconfig -q
winrm set winrm/config/winrs @{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="512"}
winrm set winrm/config @{MaxTimeoutms="1800000"}
winrm set winrm/config/service @{AllowUnencrypted="true"}
winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @{Basic="true"}
sc config WinRM start= auto

Exporting Your VirtualBox Virtual Machine as Base Box

vagrant package --base <Name of the VM in the Virtualbox GUI> --output /path/to/output/

Exporting Your VMWare Virtual Machine as Base Box

Vagrant also support to create boxes for VMware provider. You will need to first install the Vagrant VMware support following this guide. Create a metadata.json file inside vmwarevm folder with following content.

    "provider": "vmware_desktop"

Remove any extraneous files from the vmwarevm folder and package it. Prior to packaging up a box, we should shrink the hard drives as much as possible. This can be done with

vmware-vdiskmanager -d /path/to/vmwarevm/main.vmdk
vmware-vdiskmanager -k /path/to/vmwarevm/main.vmdk
cd /path/to/vmwarevm
tar cvzf /path/to/output/ ./*

Test Your Base Box Locally

vagrant box add /path/to/output/ --name Windows7
vagrant init Windows7
vagrant up --provider=vmware_desktop

Publish Your Base Box

Open and follow the instruction to create a Box. Once the Box is created, select Add a provider, and then choose corresponding provider and upload the box file. You can also use my box distribution.

Use Your Base Box

You can use vagrant up command with the --provider flag to specify the provider you want to use and then specify the base box distribution with = "vitamina/Windows7".
